Monday, March 7, 2011

How Many Gallons Of Paint For 500 Square Feet

to the very people toto.

In particular, my roommates. Do nothing but criticize what I do or fail to do and when they do something wrong I'll shut up like a whore for not discuss. On top if I complain about something and you feel offended pouting.
I'm fed up, thank goodness they are only 3 months of cohabitation.
seem offspring when living in an apartment, have no common sense and do things that are stupid, come on.

I will say to open your mouth and discuss, but it happened to have hard feelings, I prefer to go to my air.
People are very selfish and I'm not going to be the asshole to be good ... indifference hurts more, no doubt. If you believe that something happens to me, ask me, I do not mind giving them the answer.

>> In another vein, and tested the cacharrín. Result: pretty good, if only we had time to try it one afternoon, but we will Guachi. I think it was a good buy ... And do not give details that remains for intimacy, hahaha.

but color is this rojito:

As you see, the measures are your thing, lol (17 cm x 3.5 thick ). I am not convinced the veins and stuff, but hey, when the truth is something that is not, so never mind. Above is vibration and all, hahaha.


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