Sunday, November 21, 2010

Step By Step On How To Masterbate

calligraphy is
Rosa Serdio, the mastermind of the installation of Celia López Ordaz,
Photo courtesy of Pedro Villar, who was accompanied with these words:

A light is your image, take it in good time, bring the voice and look to deep forest where slumbering dreams and magic of hummingbirds ...

I have completed the National Conference on Children and Youth Poetry
Cocentaina and as
wrote on his blog,
, this is just the beginning. By Dolors we have learned over the other banks that Aurelio González Ovies sent a poem to the conference attendees that Ma Rosa and Celia López Ordaz Serdio were commissioned to write a long strip of paper so it could be enjoyed by everyone.

It is the witching
a text for children and for describing those moments that we stole the clock, calendar and concerns to simply create and perceive beauty.
As Alejandra Moglia from Buenos Aires, Asunción Carracedo from his corner of Leo and I from Mexico City were not physically Cocentaina, we wanted to participate with this video that The witching Aurelio González Ovies sounds in three countries, three voices and all hearts. (MGE)

Aurelio González Ovies meiga is one hour.
witch is an hour. Close the world and our bubble.
because he's not ugly,
or have warts,
or fly on a broomstick, or smell stubborn. There
cook soup petunias
scorched dreams with lyrics and sugar. afternoon is not
not at one,
is like riding the ever and ever.

But it is a secret
our time witch is an hour
one hour.

It fit us
the earth and the moon and cabinets filled
wind, fog.

Thousands of recipes for mischief
and hundreds of planes with magical

We climbed mountains, cross plains
and prohibited
that nobody gets bored.

No sadness, no lie some
no angry,
the witching.

no rush or sorrow or doubt or fear or
or flu scare or guilt.

Try to find your own hours witch is like a
syrup that cures everything.

(C) Aurelio González Ovies
Voices: Alejandra
Moglia (Argentina)
Assumption Carracedo (Spain)
Maria Garcia Esperon (Mexico)

Kisses "friends" and embraces "paper"


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