Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Symptoms Of Aspergers In Infants

Crying / Radio 24-11

I closed my eyes
and then cried.
I read a poem
and then cried. I bought
white roses and then I cried.
I picked up his things
and then cried.
I remember every day
and then cry ...
and then cry ...
and then cry ...
and then ...

In last Wednesday's show had the pleasure of speaking with Encarna Carmona, whom I thank here the Christmas card I sent, along with a photos and some written directions. (A hug, Encarna). They also called our friends and Sebastian Filomena. I
I read a beautiful poem-Lluís Miquel Muntané / Praise of sadness, another of Don Vito / Posterity and one of my good friend JI Montes Pidal, Asturian great poet. The poem was titled do exist. A hug for everyone.

Quotes From The Book The Preacher's Son


Today, Friends of paper "have been traveling around the world by the hand of music and new technologies.

IMPRESINANTES Voices and looks ,,,,, you make music "stalling" body and soul.

Stand By Me

To my left, Nacho Arias
(conductor); to my right, Jose Andres Garcia, (librarian and cuentacuentero) guest program dedicated to Kamishibai and travel the world of Children's Literature in the company of good friends .... BOOKS!

Kisses "friends" and embraces "paper"

Monday, November 29, 2010

Last British Monarch With Real Power


November 20 marks the date that the General Assembly
United Nations (UN) approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959 Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. , ratified by 192 countries to provide protection to 2,500 million children, more than a third of the population world.

still remain on paper: every day 29,000 die young because adults refuse to respect their rights.

For them, the children sad news actors, who may never read these lines, my dedication and commitment to children through the WORD
poem as :
Verses directly to the pot-core spells "
with the world in the hands with a dream in heaven
with two eyes and

MOON, Lune I look out the window your eyes cinnamon

five continents
three billion voices
if you extend the words
hold me with your verses
sun "early" "cape and hat
warm this winter
tangled desires

between your lips and
mine ...

text and voice: ASUNCION CARRACEDO
music: Yiruma
images taken from internet
realization: "FRIENDS OF PAPER" 2010
Besos "friends" and embraces "paper"

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Step By Step On How To Masterbate

calligraphy is
Rosa Serdio, the mastermind of the installation of Celia López Ordaz,
Photo courtesy of Pedro Villar, who was accompanied with these words:

A light is your image, take it in good time, bring the voice and look to deep forest where slumbering dreams and magic of hummingbirds ...

I have completed the National Conference on Children and Youth Poetry
Cocentaina and as
wrote on his blog,
, this is just the beginning. By Dolors we have learned over the other banks that Aurelio González Ovies sent a poem to the conference attendees that Ma Rosa and Celia López Ordaz Serdio were commissioned to write a long strip of paper so it could be enjoyed by everyone.

It is the witching
a text for children and for describing those moments that we stole the clock, calendar and concerns to simply create and perceive beauty.
As Alejandra Moglia from Buenos Aires, Asunción Carracedo from his corner of Leo and I from Mexico City were not physically Cocentaina, we wanted to participate with this video that The witching Aurelio González Ovies sounds in three countries, three voices and all hearts. (MGE)

Aurelio González Ovies meiga is one hour.
witch is an hour. Close the world and our bubble.
because he's not ugly,
or have warts,
or fly on a broomstick, or smell stubborn. There
cook soup petunias
scorched dreams with lyrics and sugar. afternoon is not
not at one,
is like riding the ever and ever.

But it is a secret
our time witch is an hour
one hour.

It fit us
the earth and the moon and cabinets filled
wind, fog.

Thousands of recipes for mischief
and hundreds of planes with magical

We climbed mountains, cross plains
and prohibited
that nobody gets bored.

No sadness, no lie some
no angry,
the witching.

no rush or sorrow or doubt or fear or
or flu scare or guilt.

Try to find your own hours witch is like a
syrup that cures everything.

(C) Aurelio González Ovies
Voices: Alejandra
Moglia (Argentina)
Assumption Carracedo (Spain)
Maria Garcia Esperon (Mexico)

Kisses "friends" and embraces "paper"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Decent Maternity Clothes

I know I could ... Poetry

I know I could forget once,
but what get with that?
Just in case you go, I stay only with the feelings and wisdom
pale of your eyes.
not be fooled.
Who do you sew my hips is not doubt
or blue lanterns that marginalize shadows, but my desire
This desire to feel your arms
sugar crushing my holes.
winding waters and breath
muted sobbing behind my
sailing at night.
I do not know, do not know if I am
kiss your mouth.

( From the book: Amayamar )

Thursday, November 18, 2010

When Should You Treat Optic Neuritis

lunatic / Team Vampire

called our friends: Carlos Serra, Laura -he called twice- Sebastián, Santiago Liberal from Cantabria, and Carmen Anasagasti.

I read two poems by Alexander (Nubher) . The first one titled: interference. The second: Km 0

"Equipment vampire thanks you you all for tuning the program. Hugs from here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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images displayed on the video are pictures of a small forest located in Ciñera of Gordon, in the central mountain Leon:
The Faedo.

The name "Faedo" derives from the Latin name Fagus = beech, and the suffix-etum abudancial, which gave the ending - edo. The conversion of / f / en / H / was common in the Castilian from the fifteenth century, but speak not in Asturias and Leon, which owns the word "faedo" meaning "beech" or beech wood.
The forest has a copy of any, known com
that scientists turned 500 years in 2008, making it probably the longest have the peninsula, which together with its strange way, justifies it was selected to appear in the book "Trees, living legends"

This forest also has its own creatures of legend.
So the story
"Haedo COAL" the writer local, Josefina Diaz of the Panel, it tells the story of the witch Haeda, who lived in the Phaedo and chose to dedicate his supernatural powers to help some children and free them from intense cold caused by a large snowstorm that threatened to end their lives. To achieve this, he used all his strength and even met his death until he filled the mountain valley of stones that catch on and give warmth.
Haeda Faedo was to die, hugging the oldest tree in the forest was his goodness forever , water between beech coal in the mountains.
letter by letter ...

Word by word ... poem to poem ...

Once upon a time there was and still remains so
an enchanted forest
A small treasure
in a hidden corner.

A piece of land
geography Leon
where dreams
and imaginary beings
are guaranteed. Send a letter

word for word

old stories and
warmed hands and lives
drawing a landscape
unique shapes and

Legends centenarians.
Goblins, witches,
fairies and witches
long tangled
with time
in the branches of a beech
and poems
hearts and dreams
streams and soil in the coalfields

of these lands Leon
A forest of letters
lowercase UPPERCASE
hanging branches which
ripe fruit .
A forest lyrics vocal

consonant with
party dress all bright
all important.
alphabet of A
to Z

mixed or grouped in clusters
animated forest

leaves ...
singing roots ...
things ...
And the wind?
flower and verse
kissing the sky
cradling time under stones lit
its grassy banks.
Little readers,
satisfy your hunger,

be filled with life.!
write your own history
with tasty fruits
by today
have walked.

Kisses "friends" and embraces "paper"

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Miguel Hernández / Radio Radio 10/11/1910

started the program with a tribute to Miguel Hernandez, the poem:

harvesters (Jaén, get wild)

Andaluces de Jaén, harvesters
tell me in the soul: who,
who raised olives?
not lifted them out of nothing,
neither money nor master, but the land
work and sweat. United
pure water and planets together, the three gave
beauty of the twisted trunks.
Arise, olive gray,
said at the foot of wind. And the olive
raised a hand
powerful foundation.
Andaluces de Jaén, harvesters
tell me in the soul: who nursed
olive trees?
Your blood, your life,
operator not to be enriched
in the wound
the landowner's not
who buried you in poverty, that I stomped
that lowered your head.
your desire
consecrated the middle of the day were beginning
a bread that only the other ate.
many centuries of olive
the prisoners hands and feet,
sun to sun and moon to moon,
weigh on your bones!
Andaluces de Jaén, harvesters
my soul
question: who,
who are these trees?
Jaén, get on your brave
're not going to be a slave
with all your olive grove.
clarity and aroma oil,
indicate your freedom the freedom of your hills.

(Miguel Hernández, 1910-1942)

read more poems not because we had the calls from our friends, Matthew, Encarna, Sebastián, Carlos Serra and Azucena who read their own. Thanks to all, as always, tune in and participate.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Best Gingivitis Mouthwash


Here you have the video footage that has made Maria Garcia Esperon
from Mexico with the poem I wrote as tribute to Miguel Hernandez on the centenary of his birth.
Kisses "friends" and embraces "paper"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How To Reprogramclifford Alarm

Some pictures of a concert:

Friday, November 5, 2010

List Of Cable Channels

I communicate only no radio program on Wednesday, I really do not know why. I have not talked to José Luis, so I guess he's sick. From here I wish to speedy recovery to continue with our poetry.
A hug to everyone.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What's The Best Brand Of Green Tea

Recital Video

I recorded this video and I leave the link in case you want to see. Thanks, Mayde!